CHS Instrumental Music Program
We make good music, great leaders, and amazing human beings. Plain and simple.
Our Guiding Principles
1. We are respectful and accepting of everyone. 2. We are always working, constantly learning, and progressively growing. 3. We are a class act, everywhere we go, representing Concord High School. 4. We are present, here and now, living for the moment. 5. We are a team. We are a family. We are strong as one.
New & Exciting

2024 Marching Season – One for the Books
The Concord High Marching Band and Color Guard had a tremendously successful season under the tutelage of their new director, Shane Barrows and Drum Major, Aldo Cervantes. Consistently finishing in the top five in their divisions, this group of musicians and performers gave it all at each competition this year….

2024 Delta Band Review
Our program returned to Antioch this year for the 35th Annual Delta Band Review. It was a long, hot day but the results for the first band review of the year were amazing! Congratulations to our amazing musicians and auxiliary!

2024 March-A-Thon
In 2023 Concord High School’s Marching Band and Colorguard Unit earned the title of “Best Band in the Bay”. They will be marching through Dana Estateson Saturday, September 28th as one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Wewill be accepting donations as we march. For donations of $100 or…

Battle of the Bands 2024
Our 4th Annual Battle of the Bands is set for Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 5pm. With performances by Concord, Clayton Valley, Antioch/Deer Valley, De La Salle/Carondelet, Northgate, and Ygnacio Valley High Schools this event will be jam packets with entertainment! Tickets are $5 at the door. Guests who bring…

Concord High Jazz Night at Yoshi’s
On Tuesday, May 14th, our Jazz II Ensembles, the CHS Alumni Jazz Band, our Jazz Combo – Thelonious Punkm and our Jazz I ensembles performed for a packed house at Yoshi’s in Oakland. It was an amazing night filled with music, laughter, friendship and family. If you weren’t able to…

Disney Tour 2024
Our 2024 Disney tour was an amazing experience! On the way down to Anaheim, we stopped for a mixer with the students at West Ranch High School in Stevenson Ranch. Students had lunch together then each school’s orchestras and jazz bands played for each other. We then headed to Los…

Folsom Jazz Festival 2024
The Concord High Jazz I competed at the Folsom Jazz Festival on Saturday, January 27, 2024, just like Concord has done many times over the last 34 years of the festival’s existence. This is the largest jazz festival in California, with anywhere from 50-60 jazz bands competing every year. Throughout…

Fleet Week High School Band Challenge – THEY WON!
On Monday, October 9th, the marching band and color guard headed to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for their first-ever try at winning first place and $10,000 in the elusive Fleet Week High School Band Challenge hosted by The United States Marine Corps 1st Marine Division Band and sponsored…