Dinner Showcase

The Concord High School Instrumental Music Program Cordially Invites You to Enjoy “Music Through the Decades” at our 27th Annual Dinner Showcase on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Please join us for our 27th Annual Dinner Showcase and Silent Auction at Concord High School. Mark your calendars and purchase your tickets early as seats are limited.

The evening is sure to be a delight, with performances from all of the program’s ensembles showcasing our students and celebrating all that they have accomplished this year. We will host a Silent Auction and Raffle Drawing for a cash prize. It’s sure to be a wonderful evening of food, music, and fun!

2025 Dinner Showcase Ticket Order Form – English

2025 Dinner Showcase Ticket Order Form – Spanish

2025 Dinner Showcase Ticket Order Form – Dari

Volunteers and Donations

We need your help to make this fundraising event a success.  We are looking for items for our silent auction (see ticket order form for details).  Specifically, we are looking for large ticket items such as vacation rentals, hotel rooms, tickets to theme parks or sporting events, ski packages, airline ticket vouchers, wine tours, etc.  If you have any of the above items, access to any of the above items or know anyone who is willing to donate any of the above items, please reach out to the fundraising team at chsimb.waysandmeans@gmail.com

We have some volunteer and donation needs for this event.  While the students do most of the work, we need some adult volunteers in the morning to set up and decorate tables, and in the evening to put together appetizers, help check people out after the silent auction and donate desserts for the Dessert Dash.  Please click on the Sign-Up Genius link below to volunteer or donate.

2025 Dinner Showcase Volunteer and Donation Sign-Up Genius