CCGC Winter Guard Competition

The Concord High Instrumental Music Program is excited to host their first Winter Guard competition on Saturday, February 1st. We invite you to come watch what Winter Guard is all about. The funds raised at the competition will go towards the program’s $200,000 annual budget.

We are thrilled to offer trophy sponsorships. If you would like to sponsor a trophy please check out the flyer below and contact April Jacobs at

CHS WG Event Sponsorship Form

Competition Schedule

Concord HS Competition (Guard) Logistical Schedule

Entrance Fees

The entrance fee for spectators is $12. We take cash and Venmo.

Event Map/Directions

Map of Concord High and Competition Area

Video Tour Of Concord High School

Directions to Concord High School


We are thrilled to welcome the following food trucks to the event: Curry and Combo and Squeezy D’s Lemonade. We we also have a snack shack with smaller items soda, water, Gatorade, candy, chips) available for purchase.

Volunteers and Donations

We need both student volunteers and adult supervisors to run the snack shack, ticket booth, doors, etc. (Seniors will be offered senior volunteer hours.) In addition, we are looking for food and drink donations for the snack shack, water donations for volunteers and food donations to feed the judges. You can sign up to volunteer or donate below. (If you volunteer, your entrance fee is waived.)

Student Sign-Up Genius
Parent Sign-Up Genius – For Volunteers and Food/Drink Donations